Sunday, April 1, 2007


Thousands of feet below you
Though they be livid and dead as nails
Men went to battle grim and glad
As heads of the characters hammer through daisies
Children, they hate you, broken and mad
Consider. One bullet in 10000 kills a man.
Ask. Was so much expenditure justified
On the death of one so young and so silly
Lying under the olive trees, O world? O death?
upon myself
Indeed I have lost nothing
but all patriotic feeling
They’ve bought my tears and sought after my soul
Taken my pride that was once thick and bold
Have I found myself a life?
Yes- but why don’t I feel whole?
If ever I saw blessing in the atmosphere
Would you come breathe your life into me?
If ever I was found I would be happy
But now if now only.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have I found myself a life?
Yes- but why don’t I feel whole?
If ever I saw blessing in the atmosphere
Would you come breathe your life into me?
